Thursday, February 4, 2010

La Fortuna, or Arenal Volcano

I took the first driving shift as we set off on our own. Three things to know about driving in Costa Rica: 1. Get the GPS, but don't always trust it. 2. Be prepared to pass on double yellows. 3. Nothing is that far away, it just takes a while because of the road conditions.

Once we got to La Fortuna, it was time to eat! We went to La Chosa and had one of the very best meals in Costa Rica.

The next day, we went on a hanging bridges tour and saw some great nature. Spider monkeys, lizards, snakes, birds, and some fabulous seed pods.

Here's a little friend saying "hello".

We were so lucky to be in La Fortuna when we were because it was the first day in about two weeks that you could actually see the volcano. It was such a beautiful day.

We spent some time in the town plaza - my favorite spot in each town we visited.

Back at our hotel, this adorable little guy was waiting for us. Isn't he genius?!?!

My first pool - it was sooooo cold. I think because it hadn't been sunny for two weeks... But, it was a pool, and I loved it!

La Fortuna was my second favorite place in Costa Rica, and by that I mean, La Fortuna was the second warmest place in Costa Rica. Wait, I'm not sure where San Jose would rank, but La Fortuna was pretty great.

1 comment:

  1. I want you to come make one of those elephant towel things for me on my bed, so I hope you studied it very carefully because this will be your exam. It would also make a very cute baby shower gift with some shampoo...,


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