Monday, May 4, 2009

Garage Voice and Seth Martin

This weekend was pretty quiet and uneventful until yesterday afternoon, when Garage Voice came to town. (Or, the Garage Band Boys, as mom calls them.) They played at the Boiler Room, and while there was not a huge crowd, it was a good show, and the people who were there LOVED it. They let me tag along and afterward we had Thai food - delish!

They opened with a jam and basically everyone there joined in - then Garage Voice & Seth Martin took turns playing. They both played a lot of new stuff, and they were both quite good. Okay, they were great.

The Boiler Room is this place for young people to hang out and there was a girl there working on Calculus homework, so I read it over her shoulder and felt like I was getting some studying done! Bonus!

So, the Garage Band Boys are now on twitter and they're totally excited about it. Also, one of the people who works at Khu Larb - looks like I may have to consider joining up... I'll definitely keep you posted, and I may have to cave and get a better phone... We'll see.

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